Monday, December 24, 2007

Give everyone what you owe him... (Romans 13:7)

So, Christmas is here and the Federation seems to be settling in for the long haul. On 23rd January 2008 off-duty officers from all over the UK will be travelling to London to march in protest at the actions of the Home Secretary and the Government.

What's a Chaplain to do? In the last few days I have been in all five of the Stations on this Division and there is still only one real topic of conversation - and the federated ranks are enthusiastically supported (and in a sense - 'egged' on) by police staff colleagues and Superintendents and not a few ACPO ranks. In all my long connections with the police (38years now) I have never known such righteous indignation - and it really is nothing to do with the money. It's about the breakdown of trust and respect that the Home Secretary has generated.

This last week its been further aggravated by the sickeningly patronising Christmas letter to the Service from the Home Secretary which several forces have refused to pubish because of the risk of lowering morale still further.

Last week I went with the Federation Inspector to see our MP. He was absolutely supportive and was going to write immediately to the Home Secretary telling us that he believed that she had made a serious error of judgement. We shall see - but in the meantime...

I have reflected on the Biblical enjoinder to defer to the authorities and tried again to understand the assertion that God somehow intervenes to allow governments to make what appear to us to be perverse and unwise decisions; 'consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves...' (Romans 13:2).

But I have seen the anger, dismay and distress of hard-working police officers, heard the voice of one who is going to send back his bravery medal and so I have signed up for the coach trip on 23rd January. I will march to Downing Street with these people who I am called to pastor, befriend, guide and counsel. I will identify with their cause and I will do it because of this passage (Romans 3:7) - ' Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honour, then honour.' - and I will hope and pray that someone in Jacqui Smith's office will draw her attention this Biblical call to act with real integrity.

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