Saturday, January 19, 2008

OFFICIAL - A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret (Proverbs 11:13)

For those of you who may have been waiting with bated breath... today my official letter arrived to say that my security vetting had been received and I am after all worthy - officially Police Chaplain until 31.12.2010. (Maybe I will have had enough by then?)
With the official letter came a large induction file and contained within a number of generic documents - quite routine stuff really.
What was interesting and well hidden in the 'General' section, just to make sure that you read it I suppose, was the Official Secrets form which has to be signed and witnessed. It's over half a life time since I last signed one of these and it had never occurred to me that I might have to renew my commitment to being severly punished if I could not keep a secret.
Now I know that generally speaking the Official Secrets Act is much more than a way of stopping gossip, but it made me reflect - the Police Service is a closely knit family and there are few indeed who can keep a 'gossipy' sceret for very long. It is also amazing how quickly a secret can be disseminated throughout not only a division but even the force if it is juicey enough. I must be even more careful in this close environment to maintain the confidence of the confessional.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well!!! we at the old G1 have not let you down - lol.
Trevor (Silver Fox)