So, Christmas is here and the Federation seems to be settling in for the long haul. On 23rd January 2008 off-duty officers from all over the UK will be travelling to London to march in protest at the actions of the Home Secretary and the Government.
What's a Chaplain to do? In the last few days I have been in all five of the Stations on this Division and there is still only one real topic of conversation - and the federated ranks are enthusiastically supported (and in a sense - 'egged' on) by police staff colleagues and Superintendents and not a few ACPO ranks. In all my long connections with the police (38years now) I have never known such righteous indignation - and it really is nothing to do with the money. It's about the breakdown of trust and respect that the Home Secretary has generated.
This last week its been further aggravated by the sickeningly patronising Christmas letter to the Service from the Home Secretary which several forces have refused to pubish because of the risk of lowering morale still further.
Last week I went with the Federation Inspector to see our MP. He was absolutely supportive and was going to write immediately to the Home Secretary telling us that he believed that she had made a serious error of judgement. We shall see - but in the meantime...
I have reflected on the Biblical enjoinder to defer to the authorities and tried again to understand the assertion that God somehow intervenes to allow governments to make what appear to us to be perverse and unwise decisions; 'consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves...' (Romans 13:2).
But I have seen the anger, dismay and distress of hard-working police officers, heard the voice of one who is going to send back his bravery medal and so I have signed up for the coach trip on 23rd January. I will march to Downing Street with these people who I am called to pastor, befriend, guide and counsel. I will identify with their cause and I will do it because of this passage (Romans 3:7) - ' Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honour, then honour.' - and I will hope and pray that someone in Jacqui Smith's office will draw her attention this Biblical call to act with real integrity.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Labourer is worthy of his hire
As I write this today there is a sense of the dust settling and an entrenchment on both sides of what has now become a pay dispute. The immediate consequencece of the Home Secretary's decision not to pay the 2.5% increase from 1st September, effectively reducing the rise to 1.9% until the next pay round is one thing. But that in itself is not what is really at the root of the anger and dismay felt by the Federated ranks. What has really upset them is the cavalier disregard of mechanisms which were put in place years ago - which have been tried and tested -and seen by most police officers to result in fair and equitable pay awards since and which reflect the simple fact that is unlawful to withdraw their balour.
From speaking to police officers over the last few days I know that the feelings of betrayal and unfairness, of being devalued and railroaded, some said 'treated like dirt' spell trouble for this Home Secretary and this administration.
So this has led me to reflect and not only to reflect but also to take action...
In Luke 10:7 we read, 'for the labourer is worthy of his hire' - and I can't think of any people more worthy of their hire than those men and women who daily serve us and protect us as far as they are able.
The 'Message' renders the passage in Romans 13:4 as 'The police aren't there just to be admired in their uniforms. God also has an interest in keeping order, and he uses them to do it.' If we take this as it is written it is a solemn warning for those who try to interfere with the well-being of such people.
I also remember in times past how many police officers suddenly discovered that they could actually find useful and well-remunerated work in other professions and it took years to recover police numbers and millions to be spent in training. I hope that we are not about to see this pattern repeated because of what at the end of the day seems to be a 'hit' by the government on a soft target to save a drop in the ocean (please excuse all the metaphors) .
So to the action... The MP for this area is a friend and a local lad. The Federation Inspector and I have an appointment with him on Monday morning to see if he needs persuading to join the Labour ministers and others who will support the early day motion in the House of Commons next week.
Question - Is this the kind of support that the Police Chaplain should be giving? Answers on a post card etc...
From speaking to police officers over the last few days I know that the feelings of betrayal and unfairness, of being devalued and railroaded, some said 'treated like dirt' spell trouble for this Home Secretary and this administration.
So this has led me to reflect and not only to reflect but also to take action...
In Luke 10:7 we read, 'for the labourer is worthy of his hire' - and I can't think of any people more worthy of their hire than those men and women who daily serve us and protect us as far as they are able.
The 'Message' renders the passage in Romans 13:4 as 'The police aren't there just to be admired in their uniforms. God also has an interest in keeping order, and he uses them to do it.' If we take this as it is written it is a solemn warning for those who try to interfere with the well-being of such people.
I also remember in times past how many police officers suddenly discovered that they could actually find useful and well-remunerated work in other professions and it took years to recover police numbers and millions to be spent in training. I hope that we are not about to see this pattern repeated because of what at the end of the day seems to be a 'hit' by the government on a soft target to save a drop in the ocean (please excuse all the metaphors) .
So to the action... The MP for this area is a friend and a local lad. The Federation Inspector and I have an appointment with him on Monday morning to see if he needs persuading to join the Labour ministers and others who will support the early day motion in the House of Commons next week.
Question - Is this the kind of support that the Police Chaplain should be giving? Answers on a post card etc...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
All men are like grass and their glories as the flowers of the field

That made me reflect... What a privilege to be able to do this and be so readily accepted - not just by the police and other emergency services but also by the young people who seemed to think it was quite normal. God is good.

More Ecumenism (in the real sense of Oikumene)
A couple of weeks ago I had a request to help sort out the 'Holy Books' of various religious groups so that they can be made available to prisoners who declare a faith and wish to have access to their own Holy Books/Scriptures etc while in police custody. I was gratefeul for the Mid Shropshire Branch of Gideons coming up with a number of NIV (Hotel Bibles and NT and Psalms) without any delay but as I began to think about other groups I began to realise that this was a fairly substantial project.
I spoke, for the first time, to the Bishop of the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and he agreed to provide me with a Book of Mormon and an AV of the Holy Bible which is the only one that they use. I rang the Local Jehovah's Witnesses who invite me to call at the Kingdom Hall and collect an interlinear translation of the Bible. All these people knew exactly who and what I am and were most cooperative.
But it's made me reflect... For several years I have been involved as a founder member and press/pubicity person for the local Interfaith Group. During that time I have formed lasting and close friendships with Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus and discovered and developed a healthy respect for the way in which they pursue and adhere to their faith walks.
I have yet to meet the Mormon Bishop or the leaders from the Kingdom Hall, but they all sound absolutely genuine and really nice people. Why then is there that part of me that readily accepts that I can be good friends with people of distinct non-Christian faiths but stumbles at the thought of being friends with those are dancing around the edges of the faith which I follow and to which I adhere?
I have delivered the traditional Christian Scriptures to the Custody Suite and the Qu'ran has been supllied by a leading local Muslim. But I have to confess I have yet to collect the other books I mentioned. But I am definitely going to do it...
I can't keep putting if off - can I? Answers on a post card etc....
I spoke, for the first time, to the Bishop of the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and he agreed to provide me with a Book of Mormon and an AV of the Holy Bible which is the only one that they use. I rang the Local Jehovah's Witnesses who invite me to call at the Kingdom Hall and collect an interlinear translation of the Bible. All these people knew exactly who and what I am and were most cooperative.
But it's made me reflect... For several years I have been involved as a founder member and press/pubicity person for the local Interfaith Group. During that time I have formed lasting and close friendships with Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus and discovered and developed a healthy respect for the way in which they pursue and adhere to their faith walks.
I have yet to meet the Mormon Bishop or the leaders from the Kingdom Hall, but they all sound absolutely genuine and really nice people. Why then is there that part of me that readily accepts that I can be good friends with people of distinct non-Christian faiths but stumbles at the thought of being friends with those are dancing around the edges of the faith which I follow and to which I adhere?
I have delivered the traditional Christian Scriptures to the Custody Suite and the Qu'ran has been supllied by a leading local Muslim. But I have to confess I have yet to collect the other books I mentioned. But I am definitely going to do it...
I can't keep putting if off - can I? Answers on a post card etc....
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