Saturday, November 15, 2008

The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold. (Acts 28:2)

A recent late night visit to a double fatal RTC on one of Telford's trunk roads revealed once again the generosity and kindness of the humam (Dunkerque?) spirit. It reminded me of Paul's shipwreck on Malta and the welcome he received from the people who lived near the shore.
In no small way traumatised by the horrific scenes outside their front door, a lovely couple supplied hot drinks and soups from evening into the small hours to the police officers, recovery and highway personnel who laboured for nearly 12 hours to recover the vehicles and reopen the road. It was probably their way of coping and putting out of their minds what they had witnessed - but what a valuable service of unusual kindness on a cold November night in Shropshire!
This morning, a broken fence, a churned up grass verge and probably some small bunches of flowers will be all that mark the tragic spot. But I'm glad that I was able to be there - to mark and to thank the householders for their kindness - but also glad that as a Christian minister I was able to speak into their distress, as they cared for others unknown to them, and in a few moments assure them of support being available in the days ahead.

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