It's time to write about a rare aspect of Police Chaplaincy. About the middle of September, on a glorious if windy Sunday afternoon, I went to St Chad's Church in Shrewsbury Town Centre. There under the leadership of the Force Chaplain, Rev'd David Mawson, and in the presence of the Chief Constable and many VIP guests and together with the Shrewsbury Police Choir and the West Mercia Police Band we celebrated the life of Pc Ricky Gray.
Ricky was shot dead on Sunday 6th May 2007, as he arrived at the scene of an armed incident on a quiet Sunday morning in the town. His funeral was held at the Abbey with all the pomp and circumstance that was so necessary. But this was very different - this was a celebration of the life of a soldier, police officer and servant to the community and perhaps more importantly a husband and father.
Ricky's wife Jenny and family were there of course - and later in the Dingle, a nearby public garden - with the Chief Constable, she unveiled a permanent memorial to her husband. We had walked down from the church (all traffic stopped) led by pipers from Ricky's old regiment - the Black Watch - and passed through an impressive honour guard of Shropshire Division Police Officers. The memorial tablet inscription was in two parts the first saying 'An exemplary officer, a devoted husband and a gentleman'. the second read, 'Hearts that loved him never forget - he gave his life that others might live.'
A few tears were shed and the emotion of the moment, seeing so many coming to honour this local hero brought a lump into the throat - then a few moments later it was all over. Time to move on in thankfulness. RIP.